Monday, January 26, 2015

Catching Up on Some Zzzzs: Kingdom NAP

So you've all heard of this Kingdom NAP (which stands for No Aggression Period,) but what does that really mean?  Well, let's start with a little explanation of the GOW hierarchy.  There are powerful alliances and there are POWERFUL ALLIANCES.  In the Kingdom of Ales, the alliance of Kingdom Judges (or 1KJ) are the ones who have earned their spot as the Rulers of the Land.  They also occupy our kingdom's Wonder (think, the capital city of Ales).  

Kingdom Judges (hereinafter referred to as 1KJ) have set in place a list of rules that everyone playing within Ales must follow, or face their wrath.  These rules are meant to allow everyone to gather up enough resources, train enough troops, build enough traps, and basically prepare ourselves for battle.  This is all leading up to a big KvK (or Kingdom vs. Kingdom) event where different kingdoms will open up and war will ensue.  That is what we're here for, so... Yay!

Here is the list of all the rules and what each of them mean:

  1. Kingdom NAP from midnight 23:59 GMT (18:59 EST) Sunday to midnight 23:59 GMT (18:59 EST) Thursday (In other words, no scouting, no attacking.  This is a time of peaceful preparation.)
  2. No tile hitting during NAP. (Sometimes this rule causes a little confusion.  This simply means if someone is currently occupying a tile gathering resources [food, ore, wood, etc.] do not attack or scout them.)
  3. Food tile only from midnight 23:59 GMT (18:59 EST) Wednesday to midnight 23:59 GMT (18:59 EST) Thursday.  (So basically, this is saying do not gather wood, silver or ore from resource tiles between the times listed.  If you're on the East Coast like me, this means that starting at 7:00pm on Wednesday night until NAP ends Thursday evening, only gather for food resources at farm tiles.)
  4. Forest around Wonder is for ruling alliance only except during Wednesday when anyone can farm a food tile there.  (So 1KJ are the Top Dawgs, right?  And they occupy the Wonder, right? Think of it as their private property and this is their way of posting 'No Trespassing' signs all around it.  It's their property, therefore they have claimed the tiles on it.  On Wednesday they have decided that since it is getting close to the end of the NAP, anyone can come farm food tiles within the forest.)
  5. Scouting the Wonder is an act of war.  We have zero tolerance for this, expect to get burned.  (People in power do not want to be overthrown, that's a no-brainer.  Scouting the Wonder would be a step in that direction, therefore they have a rule against it.)
  6. Clear your tiles, this helps replenish new ones.  (When you're gathering a resource on a tile outside of your town you will notice that it says Wood [Food, Silver, Ore, etc] quantity: XXXXX.  Make sure your troops stay on that tile until they have reached their maximum load to try and clear that tile of all resources.  Once a tile has been cleared, another tile will spawn somewhere else in the kingdom.  It's the circle of life, y'all.)
  7. First march tile rule: First person to leave for a resource tile or dig has rights, not first to arrive.  (If you want to hit up an unoccupied tile, be sure that no one else is headed to that tile already.  It's a pretty jerk move to see the tiny footprints on their way to a farm, then send out a troop and speed up the march to get there first...  And no one likes a jerk...  And you might get attacked for it.)
  8. Non-allied members or those with empire names are considered inactive and can be hit 24-7.  (This is the one exception to the first rule and can get a little tricky.  If you see a town and it has a unique player name that does not start with "Empire" AND it is part of an alliance [indicated by a prefix within parenthesis], do not attack them during NAP.  If the player is missing EITHER an alliance AND/OR a unique user name, they are open to attack even during NAP as they are considered inactive players.  Attacking these towns is a great way to get your feet wet and learn more about what it's like to scout and attack, and if you're lucky, you'll come home with a few extra resources.)
  9. Holding heroes during NAP is not allowed, we will free them.  (If the circumstances are right, when you attack a town you will capture their hero as a prisoner.  In order to do this you must be at least Stronghold level 10, the defending town must be at least a level 10, you have to kill any defending troops and traps within the defending town, and you must have a prison built in your town.  If you happen to capture a hero during NAP, no biggie, just release them immediately.  If you don't release them, you are risking attack from someone much bigger and more powerful and that is sure to not end in your favor!)
  10. Join "Rules of Ales questions" if you need clarification, do not ask them here.  (If at any time you want to view these rules within the game [without the handy little explanations] there is a chat room designed for you to do just so.  It is appropriately titled "Rules of Ales."  However, knowing that many people will have specific questions which pertain to these rules, they have created a SEPARATE room for that purpose called "Rules of Ales questions."  I personally feel like it's a good idea to join both.  That way, you'll know if any rules change in the future and you'll be able to learn from the 'questions' chat from others' questions, even if you feel like you have a firm understanding.)

Kingdom NAPs are a time of peace, but you should still be very busy if you want to be ready.  When NAP ends, these rules will no longer apply and you will be attacked, so BEWARE.  Hopefully this gives you a little more clarification on all of the rules and what they mean.  Kingdom NAPs are the best way for you to prepare your towns for battle, so use this time wisely.

Are you ready?  Game on!


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Some Things You Need To Know

Welcome to the Domination II Alliance (within the Ales Kingdom) and to our new blog!  We are happy that you decided to join us!  In order to become a member, we only ask that you change your name from an Empire name, teleport to our hive, remain active, and have at least 1 million in power.  If you have less than 1 million, please consider applying to our sister alliance, Domination III.

Please allow me to introduce to you our officers!

Mudgei - R5 Our Fearless Leader, Responsible for dealing with rule breakers, authority on all alliance management, and guiding our alliance to total Domination along side 1 & 3 Dn.

Jennyh4 - R4 Co Leader, Responsible for managing building & refinement in Alliance City, recruitment and acceptance of new members, general alliance management, and Master of Wood.

SparklePie - R4 Co Leader, Responsible for communications, blog moderation, tracking Alliance City Quests, and general alliance management. Works closely with Ng Mui Ja and Botasor who assist in Alliance City Quest reminders.

Jeremy - R4 War General, Responsible for finding and getting approval on burn targets within the kingdom.

KingRush - R4 War General and Alliance City Mayor, Responsible for finding and getting approval on burn targets within the kingdom as well as directing speed-up applications within Alliance City.

Please feel free to contact any of the officers for anything you need.  We are here to help you grow.


Another important thing you'll want to know about our group is that we have a Non Aggression Pact (or NAP) with some of the other alliances in our kingdom.  This means that we do not scout, attack, or cause general disruption with anyone in the following alliances. These alliances are also expected adhere to this pact.



Thank you for choosing to be part of the Domination Family!  We are so glad to have you with us and look forward to a new adventure with you on board!  Game on!
